Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Moon

We switched our clocks back this weekend. Which means that when Ken and I leave the house in the morning it is pitch black outside. Today, as I pulled onto the street there in my window was this incredible gigantic completely round moon. It was so big and bright against the black backdrop of the sky. It completely took my breath away. Immediately I stopped the car. It was like I was slapped in the face with this incredible awe. (Which is a pretty good feat for me at 7 am.) Simple astounding beauty. For a moment everything slipped away and I just enjoyed what was directly in front of me. It was difficult to take my eyes away from it as we began driving. As is common with me, it didn’t take long for me to become distracted with the radio station and Ken and me talking about our day. It wasn’t for a few more miles that I remembered the moment I just had, the beauty of the moon and wanted to glimpse at it again. I turned my head and it was gone. The sky was completely black. Like an idiot I turned my head the other way trying to find it …as if the moon had magically moved across the sky! I turned back around and squinted at where I knew it should be. Barely I could make out the shape behind some pretty thick clouds. In that moment, I thought about how typical that was of my life. There are moments that I bask in complete awe at the awesomeness of God. I truly see his hand in works every day. And yet, I am so easily distracted with day to day things, that so often I lose sight of His awesomeness. I have to intentionally remind myself to look at him. Remember he is there - He is beautiful and astounding and ready to light my every day… I am the one that puts the clouds in his way. Yet he remains… behind it all ready and waiting for me to look.

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